
robert mccall, saying goodbye to a good friend

Robert T. McCall

I just got word of Robert McCall’s passing yesterday and am so very sad to hear this news…I had been working on a special about Bob for the blog here and am sad I didn’t get it finished in time for him to see.  Mr. McCall was 90 years old and painting away when he passed away last Friday, February 26th, 2010.  Many of you know of  Robert McCall, or if you don’t, I am sure you have at least seen his work.  He was a legendary artist, and his work has covered a multitude of subject matters.  At heart he was an astronaut, a pilot, and mostly a dreamer, with pencil and paintbrush as his means to take you to places far beyond the bounds of Earth.  He was a visionary genius who’s strokes on the canvas took us to places where no man had gone before!!  With his feet firmly planted on the ground, his imagination new nothing of shoes for his visions, always looking towards the heavens.

Bob’s work covered the world of aviation, from the big propeller driven planes to the supersonic hyper jets…from present day to historical space exploration and well into the future.  He re-landscaped the state of Arizona in many futuristic styles with incredible imagination…He created some of the most beautiful stained glass windows for many of the churches around Phoenix; he also created massive murals for the Smithsonian, Edwards AFB and beyond.  He created some of the most memorable art and designs for many motion pictures including the world of Star Trek.  He created many mission patches, as well as stamps for the US post office.  Mr. McCall’s work has no bounds, and he has done something for just about everything.  He was a true gentleman at heart with an endless imagination.  He was a loving husband and father, and he was a friend to everyone.  To me, he was my first artistic hero and for the last 13 years or so had become a very good friend.

As a young boy growing up in Arizona in the 60’s, I was captivated by aviation and especially by all the Gemini and Apollo missions taking us to the moon!!!  My whole world revolved around these things, and in early 1973 my mom had found a painting of a new NASA project called Skylab.  The painting was by an artist named Robert McCall, and I was glued to that picture for weeks!!!  I would try and draw it myself using Bob’s painting as a guide.  That little painting hung on my wall right next to my Apollo 17 mission patch that was also drawn by McCall.  My parents subscribed to “Arizona Highways” magazine, and it showcased everything beautiful about Arizona and it’s people in pictures.  I remember getting the mail in August of 1975 and the new AZ Highways was in amongst the other letters; on the cover was this beautiful wrap around painting of a Chromed city situated in the AZ desert.  Wow, I thought, “This is really cool.”  Looking through the pages, it was filled with fantastic art depicting solar cities and fantastic craft floating around the state.  The back of the mag was covered with some incredible space craft paintings and even the Apollo Soyuz stamps that McCall had drawn.  I looked at these drawings for months with such fascination.  Again, I had my tablet out and tried to draw these incredible things that graced the many pages that lie in front of me.  I took the mag to school and showed it to everyone I knew.  I showed my science teacher, Mr. Chuck Bell, and he became one of the most influential teachers in pushing me to become an artist.  Always with an encouraging word and giving me extra art assignments using McCall as my guide, he would take the finished art and showcase it on the wall behind his desk.  Outside of my parents, Mr. Bell was the first adult that took that that little extra time to encourage me on my way.  He is a great man and I owe him a great amount of thanks.

About this same time I got my first turntable and my dad bought me the soundtrack of the movie Jaws and the movie 2001.  Holy cow, the art on the 2001 album was by McCall, and again I couldn’t put the jacket down.  Far more detailed than what I had seen of his work in earlier years, the details were mesmerizing, and the way he used the lighting and the thick heavy shadows was awesome.  What I thought was so creative with his 2001 work was that he only showed you part of the ships.  Most of the craft would be off the canvas, thus making things seem far too massive to fit all on one page.  His work was magical, and he depicted weight and mass combined with light in shadow with such grace and elegance.  The “Arizona Highways” mag had got me drawing everything in McCall style.

A few years later, Star Wars & Close Encounters came out and started the big theatrical run of everything Sci Fi.  During that fantastic movie run, one of the big anticipated films to come was Star Trek:  The Motion Picture.  “Starlogmagazine was the big source of sci-fi info back in the 70’s, and when ever possible they would show what ever they could of what was coming next.  It would usually be some artwork or a teaser picture, but for Trek they showed some of McCall’s production paintings for the flying through Vger segment.  WOW!!!  Bob’s work is a part of STAR TREK!!!  I wanted to see it even more just because of his involvement.  After seeing the film and now 30 years later that sequence is still one of my favorite parts of the film.  All of Bob’s creative imagery combined with that incredible Jerry Goldsmith score made for one amazing moment in motion picture history!!!  Just a few short weeks after Star Trek was released, Bob’s work would be seen again, but this time as the principle designer for Walt Disney’s The Black Hole. Mr. McCall designed the Cygnus for the film which, in his original designs, was a ship composed of solid panels and high towers.  As the film’s designs progressed, Bob’s profile of the ship stayed the same, but the outer look turned into a series of beautiful and intricate framing and piped under-structures.  For the look of the filming miniature, the vessel was lit from within and gave it a very haunting look and feel against the deep space backgrounds.  The Cygnus was one awesome ship and is one that adds to a very vast body of work for McCall.

Time rolls on and Arizona Highways & Starlog keep Bob’s work and what his projects are up to date.  Moving away from the film industry he continued on with his space work for NASA and many museums and AFB’s around the country.  In the 90’s a great many art books are published on Bob’s work.  Thanks to Mr. McCall’s influence and inspiration, I was at that time celebrating my 10th anniversary of working in the movies as an artist.  It’s 1995 and I had had Robert McCall’s phone number for years but was too nervous to call.  All of the gang in the Star Trek art department were fellow fans of McCall, the Okudas, Jim Van Over, Anthony Fredrickson, and especially Doug Drexler.  It was Christmas break from Star Trek, and I was on my way home to see my parents.  One fine December day I worked up the courage to call, and he answered the phone.  What an awesome moment!!!  After a brief conversation, he invited me over to his place!!!  I had just finished the preliminary designs for the Enterprise-E and had made a copy of it, as well as a bunch of other artwork, as a gift of thanks.  Bob’s house was nestled in the hills of Scottsdale, and he and his wife, Louise, met me at the door.  Louise is an artist as well, and flowers are her forte.  She has such a beautiful style to her work, and she makes prints and cards of her creations.  Bob’s art room was a big open area with big flat cabinets holding generations of work, as well as many big pieces hanging around the room.  The first piece to catch my eye was a painting of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.  It was a huge painting, and Bob went on to say it was one of 8 paintings he did for the movie Tora, Tora, Tora. I had no idea that he had worked on that classic motion picture.  We had a great afternoon, and Bob and Louise were extremely gracious; It seemed like we we had been friends for years.  Bob signed three of his books for me, as well as a print from Star Trek, and Louise gave me a pack of her flower prints.  It’s not every day you get to meet someone you admire, and in the movie industry disappointment is usually what follows, but as for meeting the McCalls, it was the start of a great friendship.  We kept in touch throughout the years and would visit often when I was in town.  Robert’s daughter runs his website and does one mighty fine job, so be sure to follow the link below and spend some time looking and reading all of the incredible stuff there.

We  will miss you dearly Robert…and to Louise and your kids and your grandkids, I send my very best and prayers as well.


below are some of  Mr. McCall’s beautiful paintings…

from 2001

another from 2001


the Cygnus

Apollo 8

Skylab...my introduction to the art of Robert McCall

full spread of the August 1975 Arizona Highways magazine

one of Bob's paintings from the Aug 75 AZ Highways

Bob in his studio

cover art for "Our World in Space"

Bob's note written in "Our world from Space"

cover art

a note from Bob in "The Art of Robert McCall"

and a final note from my friend

cover art

Thank you, my friend, for all you have done.

61 Responses to “robert mccall, saying goodbye to a good friend”

  1. 1 DeanneM
    March 5, 2010 at 12:19 am

    An amazing body of work by an amazing man. So good to hear that there are good people!

    It’s not often that one has such an influential individual in his life, but Robert McCall was obviously that person for you. To be able to not only meet him, but call him friend is such a blessing!! Those personal drawings from 1995 are priceless.

    He will be missed. Condolences to Louise and the rest of Robert’s family.

  2. 3 Don
    March 5, 2010 at 12:21 am

    An excellent tribute to an awesome artist, John. Mr. McCall was a big influence on me becoming a designer and illustrator. His “Art of Robert McCall” sits right next to me on my bookshelf. To this day, I’m still trying to make my work as interesting as his. Of course, I’ll never achieve it. He had “it”, that undefinable spark of genius that pervades his work. You were fortunate, indeed, to have met him face to face. It’s a great loss.

  3. 5 Barrie Suddery
    March 5, 2010 at 6:05 am

    My sincerest condolences to Mr. McCall’s surviving family and friends.

    So much talent lost but thankfully preserved in literature for future generations to enjoy and take inspiration from.

    R.I.P. sir.

  4. 7 Richard Knapp
    March 5, 2010 at 6:20 am

    I first heard about Mr. McCall’s passing earlier this week – truly sad news. I had some similar experiences to yours. I was first introduced to Bob’s art in an issue of Popular Mechanics that came out right before 2001, back in 1968, and fell in love with his art. I saved my allowance for months back in High School to buy a copy of “Our World in Space”. I looked through it so often the covers fell off. Mr. McCall will be truly missed, he was one of the greats!

    How have you been John? We’ve all been missing you here at the blog. Looking forward to when life and work let you start posting again.

    Take care buddy,

    • 8 johneaves
      March 5, 2010 at 8:51 am

      Hi Richard!!! Yeah it has been busy and I’m way behind on the blogging,, hope to catch up next week!!! Thanks for the note about Bob,, great story and I remember seeing his stuff in pop mechanics too but didn’t know it was his till much later on in life!!!

  5. 9 the bluesman
    March 5, 2010 at 8:41 am

    What a great tribute.

    My first exposure to Mr McCalls work was the 2001 poster. My first thought wasn’t really about the film, but about the art. I remember thinking “who designed that, thats awesome”

    Thanks for posting this, John. Mr McCall will be missed.

  6. March 5, 2010 at 8:56 am

    Sad news, a superb artist !!!!! R.I.P

  7. 13 Jeff Wright
    March 5, 2010 at 10:05 am

    I Think it was Bob who had the nice 3/4 aft view of a very wide Star Raker style spaceplane leaving a large spacedock structure. One minor point–the craft from the Black Hole above is the Cygnus not the Palomino if I recall.

  8. March 5, 2010 at 10:33 am

    Sad news indeed. I never met Mr. McCall, but have admired his work for many years. The painting of the interior of the Discovery (the first pic here) was on display at the National Air and Space Museum, and may of his sketches are in the museum’s offices. I was allowed to see some lunar photography at their offices (in 3D – the Apollo missions did some stereo photos), but was intrigued by a print under glass of the Discovery – Mr. McCall’s style was pretty obvious. I was really surprised when I looked closer and noticed brush strokes…it was the original painting! So I spent a little time looking for art too. Of course, at the museum, it’s not hard to find his work – he did the mural at one of the entrances.

    Rest in peace, Mr. McCall. You will be missed.

    And thanks, John, for sharing – your work is a legacy of McCall’s inspiration to you. And that is the best anyone to do to honor someone.

    • 15 johneaves
      March 5, 2010 at 4:05 pm

      Thanks Joe for the great note,, He has a bunch of murals at Edwards AFB near to my house but only a few of them are in areas where the general public can see them!

  9. March 5, 2010 at 11:09 am

    So glad you wrote about this. McCall’s passing has been sadly under-reported, even in the art and sci-fi community. McCall was one of my earliest influences and many of his images are seared into my brain in the 70s while staring endlessly at “Future” and “Omni” magazines. Of the few framed posters on my office walls, my favorite has always been his 2001 movie poster. It’s about as timeless as space art can ever get. I’m also the proud owner of 3 of his books and am continuously inspired by them.

    I’d put McCall at the forefront of pioneering space artists of the 20th century, perhaps only behind Cheseley Bonestell in terms of overall cultural impact, and for providing endless inspiration to multiple generations of geeks, artists, sci-fi fans, and dreamers of every kind.

    It’s truly the passing of an era, and he will be missed.

  10. 18 Jay
    March 5, 2010 at 11:10 am

    What a talent! I thought I had a decent grasp of Mr. McCall’s work, both in and out of film, but I somehow never learned that he did designs for “The Black Hole”. His design for The Cygnus is easily the best part of the movie as far as I’m concerned! The intricacy of the lattice-like structure of the ship and that internalized glow you referred to really set it off and make it unique, certainly among the space ships in the movies I grew up watching. An unfairly underrated part of a justifiably underrated film, for my money anyway.

    I’m off to check Amazon to see if any of his art books are still in print. That’s the kind of book I like adorning my coffee table!

    • 19 johneaves
      March 5, 2010 at 4:02 pm

      I love that ship and it is beautiful!!! I wonder what ever happened to the shooting miniature

      • 20 Jay
        March 5, 2010 at 8:41 pm

        Didn’t Disney do all those model shots in camera, without blue screen and motion control? I can only imagine all the problems you’d have with the blue screen bleeding around all those “weather vanes” and scary pointy things that were all over the Cygnus!

        Also, I checked Amazon and I couldn’t find a Robert McCall space art book in print. I was a tad bummed.

      • March 8, 2010 at 9:08 am

        According to someone on IMDb (which doesn’t mean it’s a reliable source by any means) posted the following:

        “Disney kept it in a big box on their back lot. It was destroyed when a forklift backed into it… which is a damn shame for such a beautiful piece of work.”


        I’d like to think that was just an old rumour without any truth to it, but it does sound pretty plausible considering what’s happened to so many other great models, including other McCall designs.

      • 22 johneaves
        March 8, 2010 at 1:09 pm

        Just found out from the Disney folks that yes it was dumpstered!!!!

      • 23 kevin h. martin
        March 8, 2010 at 5:43 pm

        It was all done with mocon, using a custom gantry system that later turned up at Mass.Illusion on JUDGE DREDD. They had part of it at use on ST 5 as well, which makes sense since Gaeta worked on that film for Ferren’s model subcontractor, Wallach.

        They shot a large part of the CYGNUS stuff against an actual starfield as opposed to bluescreen, though … not all of it by any means (the calendar actually had stills of the ship silhouetted against the starfield with the mount just as clearly visible as the ship itself.)

        The other big deal was a mattescan camera that let them do elaborate camera moves on stage and then repeat them with the matte painting shots. But in the film, it just looks like an elaborate reveal of … guess what? a matte painting of the CYGNUS interior.

        Dennis Muren described the gantry system, I’m thinking it was called ACES, as the most overengineered rig he’d ever seen. It would have been able to move a pickup truck, but in order to look through the viewfinder, you had to climb up on the rig and then hang down. anybody who has the old CFQ on BLACK HOLE can probably find a schematic of the rig.

  11. 24 c3
    March 5, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    McCalls designs and painterly approaph will be missed. His style was a welcome pov from many of the “hyperdetailed” scifi work to follow.

    images that let the mind fill in the blanks.:)

    nice to hear the “visit” story….

    • 25 johneaves
      March 5, 2010 at 4:01 pm

      It is amazing how someone who uses paint and pencil can have such an awesome and unique look high above the world of CG,, There is something about the old ways of doing something stands out so much from what is mainstream today

  12. 26 Lee Staton
    March 5, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    I, too, love Bob McCall’s art. One of my childhood thrills in 1968 was seeing one of those billboards-on-a-trailer with his space station art for 2001. I’m really happy to have a limited art print of that painting hanging proudly in my home.

    John, do you remember when I told you at WonderFest about seeing ST First Contact, and how the design of the Ent E with its different color areas and patterns, along with ILM’s colorful space backgrounds, reminded me of Bob McCall’s artwork? His influence channeled through you somehow in that design. It’s why it’s one of my very favorites.

    You’re so blessed to have known him and called him a friend. What a magical story.


    • 27 johneaves
      March 5, 2010 at 7:07 pm

      I remember that story Lee!!! I always knew you were a fan of his and thanks for sharing your adventures growing up,, Life was sure an exciting back then and I am so glad that all of these stories and movies and artists bring us all together..

  13. March 5, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    We have a fairly large mural that Mr. McCall did for the Virginia Air and Space Center, not far from my house. It’s very nice and details the history of Hampton, Virginia and NACA/NASA and all the work that was done in the area to get man to the moon. One detail that I notice is the central astronaut in the painting has ‘McCall’ on his nametag. We will not have another like him anytime soon.

  14. 29 johneaves
    March 5, 2010 at 7:10 pm

    Really!!!! how cool is that, and love that he has McCall added on the nametag…. I can’t think of anyone that could carry on with his passion and style of art!!

  15. March 5, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    My condolences to you and Mr. Mccall’s family, John. I’m sorry you’ve lost such a dear friend; he was an inspiration to us all, and he will be sorely missed by everyone around the world who love his art.


  16. 32 keytars_forever
    March 5, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    Wow, what a talent! I had never heard his name before, but I will certainly remember it now!

    His poster art for 2001 is pure magic. It is amazing how it draws you in and it makes you believe in what you see by its sheer force — although you know it’s not real and although the painting has a very distinct style that is stronger than realism. That is why I feel that McCall’s work is far beyond mere illustration, it is art. And I very much agree in that I can’t imagine CGI reaching this level of expression.

    2001 was the first DVD I ever bought, and the iconic picture of the Pan American flight leaving the space station might be the reason for that. Like the movie itself, it is (still!) visually stunning … and yet leaves a lot to imagination.

    Thanks for giving us a glimpse at this genius!
    Godspeed, Mr. McCall!

    • 33 johneaves
      March 6, 2010 at 7:54 am

      You arnt kidding!!! His work draws you in and your believing whatever it is is real, then you see the brushstrokes and realize that it’s a frame from a mans imagination,, then a few seconds later your back into it being real all over again.

  17. 34 R.J. Minnes
    March 5, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    Another great artist, whose work fired the imagination of generations passed away…another severe loss. While it is true that current artists deliver the finest pieces of space-art, something is being lost with the passing of artists like McCall and his generation, namely a veritable “Sense of Wonder” which in my opinion is lacking in modern space-art (them being imbued with the in my feeling “cold” sense of economy, down-to-earthness, “sense of being in the employ of corporations”…) I’m sorry if this sounds a bit harsh and I mean no disrespect to current artists, but this is what I genuinely feel…A generation of original dreamers is passing away and I, who as an adulescent has spent many an hour stooped in awe over their work, feel the loss…

    • 35 johneaves
      March 6, 2010 at 7:56 am

      Your right,, he never lost or got bored with what he did,, everyday was a new day and his imagination was reborn with every new drawing or painting!!!

  18. 36 Buckaroohawk
    March 5, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Very sad to hear of Mr. McCall’s passing. I’ve been a fan of his work since I was young and I’m still awed by it. My wife gave me a poster of his painting of the Enterprise from TMP for Christmas years ago. It hangs in the den and she’ll often catch me staring at it, because to this day when I look at it it’s like I’m seeing it for the very first time. The man may be gone, but his incredible body of work will live on and continue to inspire others to reach for the stars.

    Calm seas and following skies, Robert McCall.

    • 37 johneaves
      March 6, 2010 at 7:57 am

      I do the same with the 2001 painting it always catches my eye and have to stop for a minute to see something new

  19. 38 Captain April
    March 6, 2010 at 10:00 am

    As an artist myself, Robert McCall has been a hero of mine since the 2001 and the Apollo days, his work on the first Trek was inspired. His designs for the Blackhole were fantastic, I especially loved his version of the Palomino, it’s so much better than the one they used. His style original and copied by many but none match the master, he will be missed but not forgotten.Farewell Robert, you may now travel among the stars as you shown the rest of the world through your art.

    • 39 johneaves
      March 10, 2010 at 8:52 am

      I love that a lot of us all have the same hero’s here!!! Your right about folks copying his work and what a fine tribute that is!!, I actually was in a card store a couple of years ago and there were some cards on the rack done by a new space artist, and what he had done was to pull little images off of McCall’s paintings and then did a little Photoshop shizzaz to em and called them his own,, The write up on the back was pretty arrogant about how he always strives to be innovative and a bunch of other non sense,,, He came off to me as a fat headed thief!! I was really angry to see this and I bought them and came home and found the pics he stole from,,, Then I lost them before I could do anything about it and never saw them again at the store!

  20. 40 TKThor
    March 6, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Not really much to add that hasn’t already been said here. What an awesome visionary! Sorry to hear of his passing. His work is truly inspiring.

  21. March 8, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    I’m surprised this is the first I’ve read of his passing.

    I have that book – much like your own, it was truly inspiring in my own sketches (though they’ll be nothing in comparison) and his work gave my imagination a lot of inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing – great write up.

  22. 44 Jay
    March 8, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    I too was saddened to learn of Mr. McCall’s passing. It should also be noted that he did
    some pre-production artwork for the Buck Rogers TV series which can be seen on this website:


    Scroll to the bottom, click on “Theatrical Film & TV Series”, then click on “Articles”. The
    artwork is in the first Starlog magazine shown.

    Take care.

    • March 8, 2010 at 7:13 pm

      Thanks for the awesome link. I think I still have that Starlog issue somewhere, all tattered and aged. It’s okay, I have the images on those pages committed to memory. All my early spaceship models I made for my own Super-8 sci-fi extravaganzas look like those ships. Great memories!

    • 47 johneaves
      March 10, 2010 at 8:43 am

      Thanks Jay!!!! I had completely forgotten about that one!

  23. 48 Sojourner
    March 9, 2010 at 11:34 am

    Hmmm, not sure how I missed this.

    Anyway, McCall did a huge mural at the “Horizons” ride at EPCOT when it first opened called “The Prologue and The Promise”. Being a space fan even as a kid, my sister who worked at EPCOT was able to get a print copy of the mural (not at original size sadly). I still have that print hanging in my house. One of the nice touches to that mural was that he painted his daughter and her new born into the painting. Sadly, Disney did not save the mural when they replaced “Horizons”. But at least it lives on at my place.

    • 49 johneaves
      March 10, 2010 at 8:41 am

      Wow what did Disney do??? was it painted on the actual wall and had to be torn out??? Regardless glad you have a copy!!!

      • 50 Sojourner
        March 11, 2010 at 9:56 am

        Yep, it was actually painted on the wall. If I recall, they painted over it first as part of a makeover, then a few years later they tore the whole ride out.

  24. March 9, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    What fantastic art Robert has given us. Timeless and forever inspiring. Excellent !!
    A toast to his life experience and a grand return to the One !!

  25. 53 CarlG
    March 10, 2010 at 9:19 am

    I sort of knew about Robert McCall, but only vaguely. Then he passed away and I read his obituary, and realize I’ve seen his work EVERYWHERE.

    He sounds like he was a truly amazing guy.

  26. March 10, 2010 at 11:37 am

    Waaaaaaaa…. 😦

    What a great tribute, bro! Thanks for sharing all that! What a blessing to have been able to spend some time with the man and his wife, and visit his studio! And man, LOOK at those notes/autographs to you!!! Awesome!!! 🙂

    Like you (big surprise, ha!), I recall my 6th b’day in ’68, after having seen 2001 (my all-time fav film to this day) and the movie-poster in the window at the theater, ALL I wanted was two things that year. Two albums to be exact: the soundtrack to 2001: a space odyssey (for the music AND the artwork), and Iron Butterfly’s In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. And I got them both. And still have them both. Like you, I used to look at Bob’s artwork on the cover of the album (and the gatefold inside, as it opened like a book, even though it was not a double-album) for what seemed like years. And actually is, as I have that same poster Bob is posing with hanging right above me to my left, and in my living-room, I have the 14 x 36 inch lobby insert poster with the same artwork (cropped square like the album cover) on top and below it, and the astronauts looking over the moon-plain piece (the 3rd and 2nd pics you posted).

    Here’s a shot of the 27 x 41 1-sheet in my studio:

    The man was pure genius, and will be missed dearly. RIP Bob McCall. And thank you! And blessings to you and your family on your passing.

    Thanks again, brother, for a great entry-tribute to a great man and artist. Well done, eh! 🙂

    peace | deg

  27. 55 Tracy
    March 11, 2010 at 7:51 am

    I can well remember visiting one of “Mr. McCall’s” daughters, my best friend, in the mid 60s. It was commonplace to see those large canvases…with Bob in front of one, adding what appeared to be tiny points, one at a time, to its surface. These were what turned out to be the “2001” paintings. I was in the presence of greatness — but didn’t recognize it, then. Of course “Mrs. McCall” was no slouch, either..! Love them both.

  28. 56 Matt Boardman
    March 17, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    Nice tribute, John! This was the first that I had heard of Mr. McCall’s passing as well. It’s sad that in a day where we have to read seventeen thousand blurbs about the next dumb thing that Brittney Spears has done that people with true talent like Bob’s fall by the wayside like this. What a truly inspiring artist. His legacy will live on through his wonderful artwork and he will be truly missed!

  29. March 18, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    Johnny, just got off the text with ya, and think it’s sO great you could make it back to AZ to be at Robert McCall’s services. I’m certain that would mean a lot to him, and also to his family still here.

    My condolences as well.

    God bless, and way to go, bro! 😉

    peace | deg

  30. 58 Gary Shapiro
    March 18, 2010 at 9:00 pm

    Very sorry to hear of his passing. His generosity and community-minded spirit was greatly admired and appreciated. Several years ago, Bob donated the use of his artwork for a poster celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Scottsdale Unified School District. The school district used the posters as a fund raiser and to enhance awareness of our mission to equip students to handle the challenges of the future. The posters have become collector’s items and are proudly displayed in homes and offices around America. Thanks again Bob.

    • 59 DeanneM
      March 18, 2010 at 11:34 pm

      Great story, Gary. So nice of Bob to donate the artwork. Is there a picture online somewhere of the poster that you can post the link to? I don’t think I’m the only one that would like to see that.

  31. 60 Chuck Bell
    March 25, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Wow John,talk about a late reply~~better late than never! I did see the info regarding Bob McCall’s passing and thought about you immediately. There were some very touching comments about his wife and their relationship. Thanks also for your kind reference to me. Drop me a line on email when you get a chance.

  32. 61 Jay
    April 10, 2010 at 8:33 am

    Hi again. I was wondering if you could help me. Aside from the overhead 3/4 view of the concept
    Cygnus painting, are there any other paintings that show other views of the concept Cygnus, like the underside? I’ve been thinking of making a model of the concept Cygnus, but I haven’t had much luck finding other views. I’d like to make models of both the concept Cygnus and the
    movie version.

    I’d appreciate any help.


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March 2010