Archive for the 'Site News' Category


the blog starts up again in two weeks

Howdy all, Just finished on the very busy “Iron Man 3”, and I’m now packing up the truck for the big move to Wyoming followed by  a week of travel!! I should be settled into my new life and ready to go right away.. All the Trek art work that has been in storage for over a year will be accessible again so I can scan and post like before!!! Also once the posts start rolling again, this is the 30th anniversary of the summer movies of 1982,, THE GREATEST SUMMER OF MOVIES ever!!! Stay tuned for tons of fun posts followed by some feed back by the men n women behind the 1982 blockbusters. OK thanks for hanging in there and can’t wait to get back on here more regularly..

Have a good one.



it’s off to comicon

Hi all it’s time to hit the road to San Diego for the 2011 Comicon, Stay tuned for a full photo update when I get back


Alicia’s new horse, thanks to everyone who helped her so generously with the fundraiser.

say hello to Sidetrack

Howdy everyone this is Alicia Eaves. I wanted to say thank you so much to all those who participated in the fundraiser for my new horse that my dad put together for me. I really appreciate it so much. Well, it paid off and on early Wednesday morning at 1 am my new horse Sidetrack arrived to her new home with me 🙂 I was so excited I could hardly wait to see her and meet her! The minute she jumped out of the trailer and looked at me with her big beautiful eyes I knew she was the one for me to start another journey with and a new friend. My mom, Tara,  found her on the internet. I know I couldn’t have found a better horse if she didn’t help me with everything. Sidetrack traveled all the way from Texas to get here in California 🙂

Because of our rainy weather, I had to wait a day before I got to ride her and I wasn’t disappointed. She has energy and spirit which I love so much! After spending some time on her, I found that she knows how to spin and sidepass. I have never had a horse that knew how to do that so I am so excited! She loves barrels and it’s a real blast doing the course on her back. She just has the need for speed and shows it when she turns the barrels 🙂 I couldn’t be happier with Sidetrack. She’s loving and comes right up to me and she loves to have her back and neck rubbed and scratched. Its so cute 🙂

After loosing Kiowa, I didn’t think any horse would make me as happy as Kiowa did. She was my baby and I will never forget her because she is in my heart always and is running beside me when I race. She made me the cowgirl I am today. Having Sidetrack home and knowing she is mine is just so mind blowing. Riding her has given me that happiness back that I never thought I would have with another horse. She’s somethin’ special and I couldn’t have done any of this without the help from the fundraiser. Thank you so much for helping me find my new horse who will bring me to a whole new level of competition. She brings me to a new chapter in my life that I am so excited to begin.

Cowgirl Up

~ Alicia~

Howdy all and I wanted to also say thanks for all of the generous offers to Alicia’s fundraiser. Because of everyone’s donations Alicia collected a little over two thousand dollars and my wife Tara helped her to secure the rest of the money needed. All of this has made for a wonderful Christmas for her and especially so because of all these gifts from the heart. All the notes and prayers where so kind throughout all off these hard times and they came from people from all over the globe. what a rich a nd wonderful world we live in and it goes to show that no matter where you are from or live, love and kindness shine as an international virtue. Thanks again to all,  Merry Christmas and have a blessed holiday and new years.

God Bless

John, Tara, Alicia, Olivia, carlene, and Alyna

Alicia and Sidetrack

Sidetrack arrived Wednesday morning at about 1 AM, and here is the first time that we got to see her in the daylight. She so loves to have her neck rubbed.

rounding the arena - Sidetrack came with a lot of training in all the events that Alicia competes in making it an extra special horse that she can get right on and ride and not have to spend years training her from scratch.

After much begging Alicia finally let her sister Olivia ride her new horse. HAAA!


Thanks for the Birthday wishes, and a pin up update with Miss Eileen Atkinson

Holy Cow n Wow!!!  Thanks everyone for all the awesome Birthday wishes!!!! Thanks Dea for the cool header, and I was quite overwhelmed by all the very nice notes from everybody!!!  Your all the BEST & Just got a chance to read everything today!!!! Work is still very insane,,,, throw in a big Weekend at Monsterpalooza, and my 3 teen daughters all going to Prom make for no free time to blog!!!! One incredibly horrible thing did happen the day after my B-day, I went into a local diner to get some breakfast and the young gal behind the counter asked if I was a SENIOR!!!!!!!! the first thought that crossed my mind was to reach for my six shooter, but I didn’t have it on me!!!  SENIOR!!! that almost ruined the whole weekend but my 8 year old said I looked handsome so all was good again, HAAAA!   Anyways Looks like easier tides are ahead and hope to get back to getting more stuff out of the shed and onto the screen, I don’t have my hard drive hooked up to throw on any art today so stay tuned for more illustrations soon. And now for the PIN UP UPDATE with the fabulous Miss Eileen Atkinson!!! These are more images from our shoot at Thompson Aviation yard from a month or so back and they turned out very, very nice!!! Eileen has one incredible talent and she has a great gift at making every picture a work of art!! These are some new favs and am glad to finally get them up for you all to see.  We are setting up a “Creature from the black Lagoon” shoot and were having the famous swimsuit that Julie Adams wore recreated,,, Can’t wait for this one and we also have a Trek shoot in the works in all three colors of dresses from the original series!!!  Eileen will be in Vegas this weekend at the NHRA Nationals at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway,, be sure to say hi if you see her modeling around the track!  OK have a great rest of the week and will do a big post on Friday,,, job load permitting

Eileen 1

Eileen in the cargo hold of the C-130,, Justin, the Cargo King of Chicago will like this one

Eileen in living color


WOW!!! thanks for coming by!!!!!!!!!

Well after yesterdays post’s,  the visits and comments were way to many for my little mind to take in,,Over 12,000 viewers came by WHOLLY COW!!!!! what was happening yesterday????  As PEE WEE would say,,,,the Moon’s in line with Pluto, HAAA! or else everybody was off work and had nothing better to do than inter-netting all day. WOW!!! Anyways thanks so much for all the visits and comments,, some very long ones that I’ll try to get to over the weekend. Thanks to the regulars and friends that are always stopping by to say hi and thanks to all the new folks too!!! I sure am glad this old stuff is enjoyed so much and it seems to be getting some folks jobs and connecting a lot of talent and new friends together,,,What more could you want than that… OK a big heartfelt thanks to everyone who is coming by and taking time out of your busy days to say Howdy.


Matt Wright receives the first eavesdropper award!

As you have seen on the blog here in the last week or so there have been a lot of changes made, Things have been categorized, the blog role is long and workable,  and a whole lot of little extras have been fixed and updated!!! This was all done by Matt Wright who so graciously volunteered his time to make this page work better. Thanks Matt  and in honor of your incredible service you are here-by awarded with the first ever eavesdropper award or excellence in knowledge and outstanding service, You stood up in the face of great naivety in working the blog and heroically fixed all the issues!! my hat is off to you sir!!!





I have a Myspace page and forgot about it!!! plus list your requests.

I made this page ages ago and forgot about it, here’s the link if you want to come over and hook up. Lots of images there so feel free to come and browse!!!  Also There have been many requests for things and I can’t find them all so as Doug did here is a post to list all the requests and wish list things in one place,,,This way  my old mind can go to one place and then best fill the the posts with the things you want to see and read about.  Thanks all and Happy Monday!!!


hey there!! I am back!!!

Well it was a fun memorial day and we still have no internet at the house,,, that should be remedied today, hopefully!!!!! sure enjoyed all the millions of comments and all the new features that Matt has set up on the ol blog page!!! THANKS MATT!!!!. It is already a buzy morn so I hope to get a comment or two back at the ones left over the weekend and will hopefully get some more fun posts up today,,, This week will be,,, if there is time, Martin Bower week and a special Kitbash girl extravaganza.


Ok thanks again for coming over and catch up with everything soon.


Thanks also to Matt Wright

Matt has taken on the task of cleaning up my very messy and uncatagorized BLOG!!!! Thank you Matt for taking on this daunting task and I can already see your hard work bearing it’s bit based fruit!!!  Thank you, Thank you, Buddy!!!


SORRY but no more blog!!!

Howdy all!!! first let me say thanks for all the fun we have had here on the blog!!! I had a great time chatting and getting to know all of you over the last month or so and I have a lot to be thankful of and for!!! Due to work and wonderfest, the blog will have to end,,, So Sorry for the bad news and short notice but just can’t keep up the pace…. well that is until next Tuesday when I get back in town,,,,then I’ll start blogging again!!!!!! Heeee-Heee have a great weekend end everybody!!

May 2024