Archive for March, 2012


Katherine McCoy and pinup friday

Howdy all and welcome to another addition of pinup Friday.   Today I would like to introduce you to the ever lovely Katherine McCoy of Apple Valley California. I saw Katherine’s portfolio many years ago and I wrote her a note immediately about setting up a shoot. I quickly found out that Katherine rarely got on her Model mayhem page and my message sat in limbo for a good year or so….. Whenever I would come across her page I would drop another note and finally one day last year She got my message and we were able to set up a shoot… We met at Thompson’s Aviation yard and shot on the East side of the site. I borrowed one of the Pan Am uniforms from the Sony lot and that was our first theme.. Thank goodness for the new TV show about Pan Am which made it possible for us to get a really great 60’s style outfit. It fit Kate like a glove and Mark Thompson moved one of his airline ramps up next to a jet fuselage he had and that made for the backdrop of our shoot. The ramp was a bit higher than the door on the jet so we cheated  and shot low angles to help cheat the setups. Katerine really did an awesome job and really captured the era to a “T”.  We got a lot of great pix around that jet and I look forward to posting more as they get edited.. Our next theme was the beloved Red dress and again Kate made the theme sing like it we were back in the 60’s. She added a lot of her own magic to the red dress and can’t wait to put up more… For our final theme before subset we concocted a stylized pilot outfit  and once she was all ready to go, her appearance transformed from a perfect pin up look, to sultry Soviet cold war spy look. Mark had an old Russian helicopter on the back of his lot and we ran over and took my favorite pictures of the day!!! It was a long wait to work with Katherine but it was well worth it… I love the pictures we took and am so glad to have had the opportunity..  Kate is great and I so hope our schedules will allow for another shoot sometime. When not modeling you’ll find Katherine in college studying food and nutrition and her dream is to land a job as a pastry chef at one of the many Disney resorts.. One of her passions is to help those that have been stricken with cancer, (that’s a subject close to my heart) and she volunteers at the American cancer Society. She is currently training for her second relay for life race and I wish her the best in noble pursuits. Heroes are an occasional subject here on the blog and I would have to say Katherine falls into that category. Thanks for fighting for those that can’t!!!!! For more pix of Kate follow the link below and have a look at some of her early modeling.



Here are two pix of the full size Reman fighter, “the Scorpion.”  The ST Nemesis art Department windows looked out across the Marathon Mill, and we could watch this beauty come together from the beginning to the end as she almost is in pic # 1.  Sadly this little ship got very little screen time while the CG version stole must of the show.  What you see here is the final paint scheme.  Weeks earlier, the ship was a high gloss purple and was quite stunning…an executive decision was made that the ship was too colorful and shiny so the whole vehicle got textured and painted black.  In addition is a pic of the 1/12th scale miniature and one of the concept sketches.

I’ll post more shots once I’m in Wyoming and all the pix and art are unpacked…everything has been boxed for the move for about a year now so the big Trek art posts have been thin due to not having access. OK then, enjoy the pix and have a great Thursday.


Jin n tonic friday


Howdy all and happy end of the week,,, It has been a long time since we have had a pinup Friday and for today I have a very special young lady I want to introduce you too and she goes by the name of Jin n Tonic.. Jin is an actress/model from Idaho and now resides in Bakersfield California!!!  We met a few months back and did our first shoot on the military vehicles at the Supply Sargent (also in Bakersfield) and had a great time. Jin’s talent for modeling and passion for art of using herself as the medium is without measure.  She was fearless at striking wickedly awesome poses on very precarious parts of tanks & trucks and she added a new life to the vintage word pinup.  I so love the pix we took and working with Jin is a  blast of inspiration,,,,, she jumps right in with ideas and themes to make every set up a lot of fun with fab results from the camera’s POV…. We have more shoots planned as soon as the weather allows and hopefully she’ll give the 60’s red dress ago.  I couldn’t wait to get these pictures posted and am so glad to finally get to do so. to see more of Jin’s work follow the link below and if your in need of great model, be sure to give her a call.

my fav

in B&Wfab

tonicon the gotanksplash


prometheus, this JUNE

WOOOOO!! Can’t wait for this one!!!! My Friend, Steve Messing, worked on this and on Star Trek; he could tell us nothing about it!!!!!  So here is the new trailer, if you get a chance to see them all, there are about 5 other versions out there, and all of them are a little different.  Speaking of Steve, if you want to be blown away by some incredible artistic talent, go check out his site by following the link below!!!! He’s awesome!!!!


Raising Arizona, the 25th anniversary

March 13th 1987-March 13th 2012,  Today is the 25th anniversary of the Coen Brothers classic “Raising Arizona”.   Story to follow,,,, sorry all I finished on Trek four weeks ago and haven’t had internet at the house because I’m getting ready to move to Wyoming, and the CA house has nothing but water n electricity,, Just started on Iron Man III today and just got a shot of the internet to post the title of today’s post only,, story to come as well as a post on the passing of Ralph McQuarrie and Moebius, from last week,,, very sad news indeed. I’ll have time at lunch to hopefully get things rolling again,,,, sorry for the busy-ness and all the delays

March 2012