Archive for April 3rd, 2009


from the os scrapbook
















Happy Friday everyone and thanks again for all the great comments, camaraderie and great links to cool things. I had very little time to participate with all that was going on except for the daily postings. I have 5 daughters and sadly one of them has a bit of cancer and she started her chemo last week and it has been a long one getting her comfortable again. thanks for all the prayers, good thoughts and messages that we have been receiving for her. The Dr.’s say that it was caught very early and in about 4 to 6 months she’ll be as good as new. Thanks again and hope everyone has a great weekend. So with that here are some more great images of the beloved Enterprise model back from the 1960’s,  Enjoy..




the 24 hour nightmare!!!














as they looked in the ready room

as they looked in the ready room








Jimmy Meese was the set decorator on Enterprise and was also the decorator on Voyager. He has quite a talent for finding all the right things that dress the set perfectly.  He is not only brilliant at what he does, he try’s to add the personality of the characters he is dressing for. In Archer’s ready room he wanted to mix a little art and sculpture with a bunch of little personal effects. With that Jimmy came over and asked if in my free time could I draw some versions of real ships called Enterprise with the NX-01 being the final drawing… I said sure and would love to make these pieces for him. so during lunch I went and got the colored paper to print on. and then got busy with all the other drawing assignments that were pilled up. Doug Drexler was finally into detailing his Enterprise after a long hard battle of getting the design thru the approval process. I sketched a rough angle and he made me a print that matched the direction and angle for me and I put it away and got back to Herman’s list of things to be drawn. well I got busy and forgot about this request and Jimmy came in a few weeks later and asked about his drawings!!!!! he said that he needed them no later than tomorrow morning,,, I said sure sure no problem,, He smiled and walked away, As soon as he was out of sight the panic hit,,,, My desk was right next to my Boss’s office door and I tried for about an hour to hide jimmy’s drawings under Herman’s so I could fake a quick shuffle so he wouldn’t see my moonlighting.  It was almost impossible because he all of a sudden started visiting my desk every time he walked by.  By about 2:00 I was really panicked and faked a quick emergency phone call and asked to be excused early to get home… Granted I grabbed my stuff and ran over to the backlot and hid in one of the fake buildings on New York street climbed to the top of one where I new there was a table chair and work light and drew away. I got most of the drawings done by about 9:00 and it was time to head back to the office to use the copier and finish off the details.   Rats Herman was still in the office and he was there until after 10:00, I kept working in the shadows with his door in site. FINALLY He left and The trouble of an evil Xerox Machine began. By about 4:00 in the morning the copier started to take the paper and lucky for me because I only had 5 sheets left and 5 drawings to print.   Once all was done I grabbed the black and white conte pencils and did some quick highlights and by 6:30 I was done just as Fritz came in to work. We were always the early ones and it was a tradition to take either end of the couch that was in the office and crash until 7:00 when everyone else came in to work. That 30 mins seemed like a quick blink. Anyways Jimmy was there at 7:00 sharp and when I pulled out the drawings he kinda had a frown/smile like he lost a bet with someone over these being done on time.  He was very happy and said; Oh yah I forgot to tell you that there is only room for 4 drawings in the frame so the 5th wasn’t needed after all. so here are all 5 high speed drawings that made the following day at work majorly rough! I loved every minute of it though!!!!

April 2009