Archive for May 11th, 2009


wow!!! what a weekend


the big "E" under construction

the big "E" under construction

Well the weekend was long and just got back on line!!! Thanks Deanne for filling in for me and there are a lot of comments and great reviews here!!! I skimmed them briefly and I was glad to see few negative reviews of the film,,, I was thinking that if there weren’t any than the brainwashing formulas added to the drinking water would have been truly working. Lots to talk about but no time today,,, I’ll try and get to everything as the time will allow!!! Have a great Monday!!!


inspection pods from Enterprise




the first pass

the first pass


the 4X4 off road pass

the 4X4 off road pass

mike Okuda's hatch design

mike Okuda's hatch design

more from engineer Mike okuda

more from engineer Mike Okudaslightly different and has the newly installed okudahatch


With the Okudahatch view

With the Okudahatch view


the simpler version,,,,No more off roading for you little fella!

the simpler version,,,,No more off roading for you little fella!

These are the little inspection pods from the pilot episode of Enterprise. To recapture the big VFX magic that we saw in STTMP The art department was asked to recreate the service pods to fly above the Enterprise NX-01 to not only give her some scale but to show her off to the audience. The first pass of the pod was a little boxy unit that had about 10 minutes worth of time put into it. Herman Z walked by and said that we were going to reuse the Phoenix Capsule from STFC so we can start redesigning around that nose cone shape. the next version is the heaviest of designs with a lot of 4X4 accessories to give it a more rugged, industrial look. Mike Okuda was busy working on a very nice docking and hatch sequence which took the best from NASA and mixed with his own imagination came up with the following designs and details of how the coupling system works. The next sketch shows how Mikes designs were incorporated with a small pull back on the heavy detail.  The producers felt that the big off road lights were a bit much so we pulled them back to a bare minimum as well as the exterior detail. This was modeled over at Eden by the CG wizards and I’ll need to double check but I think this one was done by Lee. below are some grabs by the brilliant Jorg!!! Thank You Mr. internet Wizard


pod view

pod view


pod view 2

pod view 2

pod v 4

pod v 4

pod v5

pod v5


pod v 7

pod v 7

May 2009