Archive for May 22nd, 2009


Thanks also to Matt Wright

Matt has taken on the task of cleaning up my very messy and uncatagorized BLOG!!!! Thank you Matt for taking on this daunting task and I can already see your hard work bearing it’s bit based fruit!!!  Thank you, Thank you, Buddy!!!


Memorial day

A special thanks to all the brave men and women, past and present of the United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, & Air Force, for fighting for our FREEDOM. Your sacrifice to nobly defend our country and our freedom goes without measure and to those standing and those that have fallen we thank you for  what you do on a daily basis. My hat is off to you all as we remember that the cost of freedom is not free!!! Your are in our prayers! Thanks also to the disabled veterans of American.

thank you!

thank you!

thank you

thank you

thank you

thank you

and thank you!!!

and thank you!!!


a few big guns from DS9 episode #516 “buisiness as usual”

this was one of those episodes that called for more than a Cardassian Suitcase, or a new dremal regenerator,, this one they needed some big new guns, for If I remeber correctly, a type of simulator firing range… What was needed for this one was a variety of major blaster designs, and a battle robot for target practice!!!!

OK then, so enjoy these pictures and everyone have great and blessed Memorial day!!!

old one's and new one's

old one's and new one's

woooo theywent with the big shoulder strap version!!! note the baby Fram oil filters on the side!!! HAAA!

woooo theywent with the big shoulder strap version!!! note the baby Fram oil filters on the side!!! HAAA!

this was the rough for the master blaster!!!

this was the rough for the master blaster!!!


Jerry Goldsmith and the 30th Anniversary of Alien

Here is a quick page and link to get yourself a copy of the double disc-complete masterpiece score to Alien!!! I got this one several years ago and listen to it quite often,, Brilliant work here by Mr. Goldsmith,,,,, Jerry ‘s talents resound mightily with this horrifying composition!!!


a portrait of Jerry

a portrait of Jerry




 here is where to shopping!!!

here is where to shopping!!!


the 30th anniversary of ALIEN

This Memorial Day will mark the 30th Anniversary of Ridley Scott’s masterpiece: “ALIEN”  

Wow that seems so long time ago!!! I saw it opening day with my Dad. It was one of my first “R” rated movies and boy-oh-boy my little mind was not quite ready for what I was about to see!!!  We went to the big Cine Capri theater in Phoenix, Arizona to a majorly sold out crowd. My pop was a Highway Patrol man back in the day and while waiting in the lobby he saw a fellow officer who was also anxious to see the movie. Always on the job, my dad noticed a little guy over in the corner with something shoved in the back of his pants/under his shirt. He was sweaty and looked a little out of place. In less than a heartbeat my dad and his buddy had this guy shoved in a corner, thrown to the floor and pulled out a big 357 Magnum from his trousers. The two patrol men questioned the little guy for a moment and determined he was OK, he was sweaty because it was 110 degrees outside and looked out of place because he was waiting for his girl to arrive — first date jitters!!! In PHX AZ it is OK to pack your firearm as long as it is not hidden. Back then AZ was still a cowboy/old west kind of state. The little guy said he got picked on a lot and his “heat” usually detours him from getting roughed up, he checked his gun in at the snack bar and went in to the show. Well this was already getting to be a pretty exciting evening. So anyway the movie started, I was scared out of my wits and loved every minute of it… after the show we went to the record store and Pop got me the soundtrack on LP… Wooo wee it was a Jerry Goldsmith score… I had only been collecting soundtracks for a year or so and was very excited to add this one to the other three Goldsmiths I had at home; those being  “Capricorn One”, “The Boys from Brazil”, and “The Omen”. Looking back today this is still one of my top favs for so many reasons: The score being #1, Ron Cobb being #2, Veronica Cartwright #3, Ridly Scott#4, and on and on… Last week at Wonderfest they showed the Directors Cut which I had not seen before and was thrilled at all the new stuff added… Veronica C. was there signing autographs and chatting with the fans, she even introduced the film with some fun little facts before the show started.  It was a great time and if you haven’t seen this new version it is a must to go and check out.  In regard to Jerry Goldsmiths score, there are many complete soundtracks floating around and this is definitely something you will want to add to your Goldsmith collection!!! Most of the cues on the extended discs are new from the standard release and are amongst the best of the entire soundtrack.

Thanks for that great day at the movies POP!!! always think about those fun times we had!! Anyway here are some images from Alien to get the old adrenaline pumping!!!  Happy 30th!!!

Almost forgot to mention this!!!!! In 1974/75 John Carpenter and Dan O’Bannon were making their student film Dark Star and adding in footage so as to be able to release it in theaters. Dan co-wrote the film with John. In the middle of the film is a scene where Dan’s character, named “Pin Back,” has to go and feed the Alien. For the next 20 minutes Pinback has to deal with this naughty little fella who hides in shafts and attacks from behind… HMMMM… seems like a great idea for a bigger and scarier movie doesn’t it? Well with that, Dan went on to write Alien for Fox… and the rest is motion picture history!!!

Dan O'Bannon as Pinback, scene from Dark Star where he is giving the Alien his squeaky Mouse

Dan O'Bannon as Pinback. This is the scene from Dark Star where he is giving the alien his squeaky mouse.


the Terrifying Alien from "Dark Star", note the" Creature from the Black Lagoon" gloves for the aliens feet.

the "terrifying" alien from Dark Star -- note the Creature from the Black Lagoon gloves for the aliens feet.


movie poster from 1979

Movie poster from 1979

Ron Cobb's Hallway, from sketch to magnificent reality.

Ron Cobb's hallway, from sketch to magnificent reality.


brilliant tone change between the white living areas and the dark mechanics of the operating areas.

A brilliant tone change between the white living areas and the dark mechanics of the operating areas.

that awesome helmet,,, Bob Burns brought this to Wonderfest!!!

That awesome helmet! Bob Burns brought this to Wonderfest!!


it's Mother

It's "Mother"

John Hurt and Veronica Cartwright on the bridge.

John Hurt and Veronica Cartwright on the bridge.


the lovely Veronica at her station.

the lovely Veronica at her station.


Weaver Skerrit and Hurt. Awesome lighting throughout this film!!! Man it's beautiful!!!

Weaver, Skerrit, and Hurt. Awesome lighting throughout this film!!! Man it's beautiful!!!

what a great VFX image!!!

What a great VFX image!!!


Dallas and the space jockey.

Dallas and "the space jockey".


my fav scene from the movie!!! I couldn't handle the tension as a kid when this was going on!!!

my fav scene from the movie!!! I couldn't handle the tension as a kid when this was going on!!!

look at all the oysters and baby squid legs that made up this horrific creatures belly,,, at the japanese restaurant I think this dish is called Dynamite!

look at all the oysters and baby squid legs that made up this horrific creatures belly. At the Japanese restaurant I think this dish is called Dynamite!


I had a juvenile heart attack when Dallas tuned his flashlight down that corridor and this is what he saw!!!

I had a juvenile heart attack when Dallas tuned his flashlight down that corridor and this is what he saw!!!


Ripley readies to battle!!!

Ripley readies to battle!!!

Oooow-Wah, what an evil little thing!

Oooow-Wah, what an evil little thing!


I was almost unconscious here!!!

I was almost unconscious here!!!

and there he is,,, So wicked!!!

...and there he is... so wicked!!!

May 2009