Archive for June 17th, 2009


Tim (Suricata) makes Matt Wright’s award into a cool model!

Awesome job, Tim!  Had to put this up in case you haven’t seen it yet. Last month Matt Wright won the first Eavesdropper starship award, and Tim went out and did a low poly model!!!! It’s so nice that I am going to quit my job and go back to working in the grocery store because you CG guys are just too good!!!!!! HAAA!  Thanks Tim and can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with her next!!!



next to the cheesy drawing!!

next to the cheesy drawing!!


The Starships of Enterprise, episode #009 “Civilization”

It was fried fish and clam chowder friday at Paramount, and we had just got the advanced rough draft of #009.  The story called for an alien attack vessel and little shuttlecraft to pick up some cargo off of a planet’s surface.  Being that it was seafood day it was only appropriate to base this one off of something nautical.  Crossed between a catfish and a sunfish, came the first ideas.  The early concepts were accepted and more detailed versions were produced.  Dorsal blades and twin pectoral fins were tied together in both the main vessel and the shuttle craft to keep the architecture in line.  The next meeting gave a go-ahead for another version of both shuttle and starship — minus the wings and fins. Somehow the upper twin blades snuck thru to the model… SHHHHHHHH I have no idea how this happened! HAAA! Anyway, the final products turned out OK but the heavy tie-in between the two ships strayed a bit, but not enough to separate the aesthetics.  Here are the sketches and be sure to visit Drex Files to see the CG model of this one. Enjoy and Happy Wednesday!!!

the exotic sunfish

the exotic sunfish

mixed with the catfish formed the original look of the Malurian architecture

mixed with the catfish formed the original look of the Malurian architecture



new details

new details

first pass of the shuttle

first pass of the shuttle

the dreaded red X's!!!

the dreaded red X's!!!

new and improved finless concept

new and improved finless concept

a much simpler design!

a much simpler design!

Thanks DrexFiles!!!

Final CG render thanks to DrexFiles!!!


It’s Erin Murphy’s birthday, she played little Tabatha on Bewitched

I remember vividly watching Bewitched as a 3 year old tyke in the mining city of Globe, Arizona. My mom liked Bewitched a lot, and for me there wasn’t a lot to see except for Tabatha.  She was a little younger than I was, but she was somebody on the show I could relate to and, over time, she became my first childhood crush followed only by Little Debbie and the Sunbeam bread girl.  I watched the show every day of it’s 8 year run and was heartbroken to think that I would never see my little buddy Tabatha ever again!!!!!!!!  WOOOOOSH 40 some years later I am on My Space and just for the heck of it I did a little search, and there she was, Erin (Tabatha) Murphy.  She grew up to be just as cute as I remembered her, and now she is a luxury lifestyle writer, does a lot of work for charity, plays a part in many active causes, she’s a celebrity host on a broad range of programs and she is the mother to six,,, the best part is she married a man named Darren!!!  That’s Darren Dunckel not Daren Dochterman!  She has a great website, and she is one that is a lot of fun to read about,,, Happy Birthday Erin!!!!


little Erin on the set

little Erin on the set


there she is on the slide,,, couldn't do this in my neighborhood because the metal slides in Arizona were at least 200 degrees, practically molten in the hot summer sun!

there she is on the slide,,, couldn't do this in my neighborhood because the metal slides in Arizona were at least 200 degrees, practically molten in the hot summer sun!


here they all are!!! the cast of Bewitched

here they all are!!! the cast of Bewitched

and here she is now happy bday Erin!!!

and here she is now happy bday Erin!!!


following my crush on Tabatha, here were the other rivals for my affection.

following my crush on Tabatha, here were the other rivals for my affection.

cute as a button

cute as a button


Little debbie looks an awfully lot like my wife Tara, and their both farm girls!! HAAA!

Little debbie looks an awfully lot like my wife Tara, and their both farm girls!! HAAA!

June 2009