Archive Page 43


thanks for all the comments yesterday

Hey there it was a whirlwind day yesterday and there were a lot of comments left for the three posts and I will hopefully get to chat back on those this afternoon.  A huge amount of thanks for all the prayers and notes for my daughter… they are all from your hearts and mean a great deal to my family!!! thank you all again.


The x-38 blasts thru time to start work on Enterprise


The X-38 dropped from the B-52 carrier ship

The X-38 dropped from the B-52 carrier ship


hard-lined concept for the tiny shuttlecraft

hard-lined concept for the tiny shuttlecraft


first major pass of the craft

first major pass of the craft


final approved rough

final approved rough

Based on Nasa’s X-38 the shuttlecraft for Enterprise was to be a quick, small, and very cramped little ship. This one didn’t go for much more than the above sketches.  What was nice is that it eased thru the approval stage quickly because the main torture was being given to Doug’s Enterprise and the Sulibon Helix ship,,, OOOOHHHHHH those thoughts bring back much pain!!!! The craft was a lot of fun to throw down on paper and it is one i wished there would have been more time to work on. It went thru a variety of different wing configurations and body thicknesses. after the roughs were approved they Went to Mighty Fritz who started everyday with a comment about Mazzithera Cheeeeeeeeezeee. Fritz had the tough job of designing the plans and overseeing the construction. Two shuttles were made for the show and side by side in the bay they were nick named the flying clogs. Oh Yah dot iz goot.


Found this lurking in the dark corners of my computer so here is an add on for the shuttle pictures.

here are the roughs for the awakening #84 showing the modifications to this frumpy lil craft

here are the roughs for the awakening #84 showing the modifications to this frumpy lil craft


the environmental suit from Enterprise

this is the first rough of the suit

this is the first rough of the suit

with a little refinement

with a little refinement

the pressure suit without the extra elements

the pressure suit without the extra elements

the world famous Jim Martin's detail pass

the world famous Jim Martin's detail pass

and more from the legendary Jim Martin

and more from the legendary Jim Martin

more preliminary designs

more preliminary designs

Bob Blackman Was the incredible talent behind all those awesome costumes that graced the screen for most of the Television shows and for many of the films. He never ran out of ideas nor creativity. He would use fabric and scissors like Rembrandt would use a brush!!! It was always a treat to wonder over to the costume department and see what he and his crew were up to.  For the space suit Bob asked for some ideas on the overall look and the hardware that would accompany the underlying pressure suit. At the same time the ever talented Jim Martin who started his Hollywood career on DS9 came back to lend his talents on the beginnings of Enterprise. Sadly he was pushed into the world of props and the show didn’t get the opportunity to grace one of Martins beautiful space craft designs such as what we saw on DS9 with his awesome Defiant, and the Jem Hadar battle ships, to mention a few. Jim has a great sense for whipping up not only spectacular designs but beautiful renderings as well. Enterprise was really the first show that we worked on together, and in the same room. Looking over Jim’s shoulder is where I picked up the use of the blue pencil and he also showed me how to do a color sweep with ink and make up pads. It was great to work with the mighty Martin Finally. As far as the suit goes it turned into a collaboration mainly because of our different work loads. If memory serves, BoB asked Herman Zimmerman if he could have Jim do some work on his suit for him I believe this was on a Wednesday and Jim’s schedule with a prop assignment wouldn’t let him breakaway. Herman gave me the the first couple of days to work out some quickies, that went thru the rough approval stages OK. We had worked out the overall look and what would make up the elements. The roles reversed and Jim took the roughs and started to add the details and work out some great designs for the pack and Helmet. These to were getting green lights all the way. A few days later the roles reversed again and I was back on for some final roughs. Bob Came in and was happy with everything and took it all back and added the signature Blackman touches and added all the beautiful details and colors. This was a great project mostly because of the camaraderie with friends.


Jerry goldsmith, we miss you dear maestro

The Enterprise in Vger accompanied by Jerry goldsmiths brilliant score

The Enterprise in Vger accompanied by Jerry goldsmiths brilliant score

this is that sheet of Jerry's music I was talking about last week. next to my family this is my favorite piece of treasure.

this is that sheet of Jerry’s music I was talking about last week. next to my family this is my favorite piece of treasure.
Jerry was always so gracious and loved to sign things for who ever wanted his autograph.

Jerry was always so gracious and loved to sign things for who ever wanted his autograph.

this one is in my office,,, thanks Jerry

this one is in my office,,, thanks Jerry

This was a big surprise. Mr courage was there the day I met jerry and gave me this awesome autograph,, He did all of Jerry's orchestration for the recording sessions

This was a big surprise. Mr courage was there the day I met jerry and gave me this awesome autograph,, He did all of Jerry's orchestration for the recording sessions

I almost forgot to put this stuff up from last weeks Goldsmith journey. This some of the treasures Mr. goldsmith gave to me during the three scoring sessions Over the years he did for First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis.


My daughter Carlene

For those of you who have been on this blog for a while knows my daughter Carlene is having  chemo treatments for a Hodgkins lymphoma that was discovered around Christmas of last year. She is doing good and all is going well with her treatments, and she is handling everything with a smile. Here is her blog for anyone that wants to follow along with her on her Journey thru the treatments,and your welcome to send her any messages you want.  Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes that everyone here has sent our way!!!


project announcement update

Wow Thanks everybody for sending over all your  links to some awesome work!!!  I always get these calls and usually the pool of  people I know are always busy so this might be a great way to do some groundbreaking for new talent. Once the approval start coming I’ll go thru everything again and work out how the project will go. there will be a lot of tech perimeters that will decide a lot of things and that will come from the group that is doing all the web page work.  So thanks again for the outpouring of applications and look forward to more projects to pass along.


the opening credits of enterprise

For the opening of Enterprise, two new ships had to be designed to bridge history with the future.  Starting with a sailing ship called Enterprise, the opening credit sequence takes you through a journey of historical milestones that will eventually take you into  space and lay witness to the world of the Enterprise and Star Trek. 

From the shot of the International Space Station, a ship was called for to bridge the gap to the Phoenix warp ship.  After the PHX, another more advanced ship was needed to carry us one step further before the big reveal of the star of the show, Doug Drexler’s Mighty NX-01.  All the images presented on this post were the concepts that took us near and far to where we finally wound up.  OK then, and with that I am going home now, so enjoy these drawings tomorrow.

this was a poster I did for my friend Dan Madsen over at the Star trek Communicator. He turned it into a poster and when I satarted on enterprise I gave one to both Brannon Braga and Mr. Berman, Mr. Berman said; hey this might be a good idea for the opening of the show.

this was a poster I did for my friend Dan Madsen over at the Star Trek Communicator. He turned it into a poster, and when I started on Enterprise, I gave one to both Brannon Braga and Mr. Berman, Mr. Berman said, "Hey, this might be a good idea for the opening of the show."

  Continue reading ‘the opening credits of enterprise’


Project Announcement

I was just asked to design 6 space craft and 6 planets for a William Shatner project. Once the concepts are approved they need to modeled and have a little bit of animation done to them. The group asked if I knew anyone with 3D skills that might want to take on this part of the project. I told them I know where to find the best so Here is where I am posting the announcement. The models will get high visibility and it could be a great door opening project, the only down side is It is a cashless job so it would be a work for fun and exposure project,,, If anyone of you brilliant CG-amandaers are interested drop me a line.


One more lea Thompson just for the heck of it


this was just to good of picture to not share

this was just to good of picture to not share


more from the expanse

This was a fun drawing,,, It was great to put Doug's NX into the space dock and have a new ship being built from the same class of Starship

This was a fun drawing,,, It was great to put Doug's NX into the space dock and have a new ship being built from the same class of Starship

cu view

cu view

assembling the bridge

assembling the bridge

Here is a close up of all the service pods bringing in panels and devilish details to the ship for assembly
This one was the highlight of the whole episode!!! Alway a blast to have a new Klingon ship to work on! Soory but couldn't find the orthos or CG models of this one,,, I don't know if this was Rob's, Koji's, Lee's, or Pierre's, Will the real modeler please stand up!!!

This one was the highlight of the whole episode!!! Alway a blast to have a new Klingon ship to work on! Soory but couldn't find the orthos or CG models of this one,,, I don't know if this was Rob's, Koji's, Lee's, or Pierre's, Will the real modeler please stand up!!!

Here is a cu of the bridge and neck also you can see the belly cannons in the shadows

Here is a cu of the bridge and neck also you can see the belly cannons in the shadows

Cu view of the engine pack,,, this sucker's electrical,

Cu view of the engine pack,,, this sucker's electrical,

this was an early delta ship concept for the opening credit sequence!!! Heavily based on the Venture Star from Lockhead
this was an early delta ship concept for the opening credit sequence!!! Heavily based on the Venture Star from


TThe Expanse was a huge Episode full of new ships for both the Federation and the Klingon empire!!! this was a hard show to have a favorite drawing to work on because they were all a lot of fun!!! Making the Nx-02  was really grand  as well as the Fed ships but I’ll probably have to say the BOP was my Favorite by a point or two!!!, I know somewhere The orthos exist as well as the models shots so I’ll keep looking,, My shed is full of all the art and photo’s from my big move and most boxes haven’t been unpacked yet.  I need Indy’s whip and machete to cut thru the mess!!!! HAA!

June 2024