Archive for July 2nd, 2009


Jonah — I mean Archer and the belly of the Whale

Wow it’s already Friday!!  Technically speaking, since we are off tomorrow for the 4th of July.  WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!  Hope everyone else has the day off, too, even if you’re in another country!  So with that, here is another crazy ship from Enterprise, a second season episode entitled The Crossing.  The story here is that the NX gets overcome and swallowed by a rather organic looking space vessel, and they have to figure a way out!!!  If only they had matches and wood on board they could follow Geppetto and Pinocchio’s example.  AHHHH!!!  Well, there you go, and I guess you would need some air to really make that work as well!!!  HAAA!  So anyway, the ship went through a few changes, and the first version has the Jem’Hadar cruiser’s lines as the understudy and some heavy organicasizeing on top,  I took the borgifying approach for the first pass.  Rejected brutally.  Ship two followed with a tendrilled beetle bug look…also rejected heavily.  Which lead to version three which is a modified fish/doomsday machine combo!!!  Again the big axe fell, and version #4 came to be… they sorta liked the underlying shape, and had me do a pass minus the tendrils and up the scale with the addition of more patterned detail, as opposed to total organic randomness.  Thus the final drawing came to be, and they even drew a happy face with a little star on the corner of the page!!!  Ok then, here is this one to enjoy, and I’ll try and get more Osiris up as the day goes on!

the jem look,,, noooo!

the Jem look,,, noooo!

  Continue reading ‘Jonah — I mean Archer and the belly of the Whale’

July 2009